Free Switchbox Remote Full System ($425 value) to one Good Cheer Pilot, all others $75 discount code below!
Simply email us a picture of your plane or activity during Operation Good Cheer and we will post it here below to pick one lucky winner. Final entry day for entry is Friday 12/20 and winner picked on 12/20!
To submit your entry and photo, send a message by clicking on the email here —
Switchbox is a remote controlled-device that allows you to access any electronics from anywhere in the world without a WiFi signal. Switchbox | Pilots | Cold-Weather | Farming | Winemaking | Vineyard |
The winner of the Switchbox Good Cheer giveway is Paul Kloehn of Ann Arbor! All others can use discount code goodcheer for $75 off a Switchbox or Icebox Full system. Thank you to all the pilots involved this weekend!